
My birth name Carissa, the one given to me by my mother means "χαρις (charis)" meaning grace or beloved. I am a bi-cultural product of fate when my mother of European descent met my charismatic Dominican father in Providence, Rhode Island in 1985. She first fell in love with his 1978 Pontiac Trans-Am. 

As a graduate of Hope High School in 2004 and subsequently Brown University in 2008 with a B.A. in Old World Art and Archaeology, my passion, aside from anything ancient, has always been education. For me personally, I wanted to give back to my community and education was that vehicle. I have been in the Providence Public School system for over seven years. I refer to myself as an educational warrior, I've seen many battles, but I am always up for the next educational fight. Second to New York, if you can make is as an educator in the Providence School system; you can make it anywhere.

Currently, I am pursuing an my M.Ed. in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) at RIC. Eventually, I also want to obtain my second masters in Educational Administration at Providence College. As an educator, I enjoy keeping up with 21st century culturally responsive and technologically engaging educational practices and demonstrate those learned practices in my classroom, especially to my MLL's. I have also recently become a mother to my beautiful son Memphis. 

There are many social issues that exist in this current educational landscape. I would like to learn further how to use my voice and encourage my students to use theirs. 


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