Nuestra Historia
Of our textbooks 1,192 pages, fewer than 100 pages are dedicated to people of color. That's less than 10% of our history curriculum, in a district where 91% of students are people of color .-Providence student Afaf Akid. This quote is a testament that there is an inherent need for students to learn about their culture in academic institutions. Ethnic Studies should not be an elective on a transcript, but embedded in all classes. The film Precious Knowledge begins in Tucson, Arizona, Tucson Unified School District (TUSD). Here, there are 32,500 Latinos, a majority, not minority. The nationwide dropout rate at the time of the documentary for Mexican-Americans was 50%. That means if a Mexican-American looked to their classmates on their left and right, one of those classmates would not see their graduation. This staggering statistic is the reality for many of our students of color. Furthermore, disallowing students to study about their culture as seen in the...